Artwork Development
We’d like to share with you the process and details of the hand and computer rendered artwork for Break-A-Leg. The images shown illustrate the evolution of a few sample cards.
Initially, we utilized public domain black and white line drawings that somewhat represented the person for each card. It wasn’t necessarily a person but merely an item to represent that role in the production team.
From the beginning we wanted the images to reflect a semi-realistic view of theatre and the elements of a theatre production. We felt it was important to represent the humor and lore of the characters we were trying to portray.
As ideas progressed, we switched to characters representing all positions. We added color-coding for the mechanics to work better.
After looking at research and some photographs of images, we made a conscious decision to create hand drawn line work images. This process is similar to design practices in creating worlds on a theatrical stage. The cards were revised multiple times until borders on the sides became curtains that resembled a more stage-like appearance.
As educators we believe our game should mirror the demographics of a multi-cultural society. We rendered our characters to reflect inclusion of all ethnicities in the business.
The scanned line drawings of people were printed on 11x17 inch card stock then hand rendered with watercolors in a softened and idealized style. Permanent black marker was added after the watercolors to emphasize specific shadow lines to pull the images out of the background. They were imported into a computer graphics program and color enhanced. The images were then combined with the artwork of the stage curtains, flavor text, play text and logos to create the finished card.

More in this series
3D Printed Game Components
by Jody Tidwell - July 15, 2020
Our design process for 3D printed game components.Break a Leg. The Theatrical Card Drafting Game.
Break a Leg is the new fast-paced card drafting game from Tidwell Productions. Take on the role of a theatrical producer and hire the best cast, creative, and crew, and foil the plans of your opposing producers! Buy Now on the Tidwell Productions Shop!