Break-A-Leg Strategy
NOTE: At the end of this post we have included the rules from the Print and Play version to give readers of this update a reference to the basic game, game parts, structure, and gameplay.
By far the most important knowledge point is to understand what each hand holds. This information, in a pick-and-pass game is revealed the first few rounds of selections. Depending on a one, two, three, four or five player setups, this information will set the various tones for the offense and defensive strategy for your round, and to a great extent, your entire game.
First the short term: by understanding what cards are available, and what could potentially come around, you can rate
the value of the more coveted cards and whether they need to be selected early. For example, if there are more than
one ghost light in the first hand you view, a ghost light selection almost assures that AFTER the first round
selection, at least one other player will choose a ghost light just to keep up. In a five-player game, only 9 ghost
lights are available, you really aught to get them while you can and they become an extremely valuable commodity. With
a two-player game, they are not so valuable. Ghost lights are just one of the difficult choices because they play an
importance part later on, but initially might be ignored to instead obtain high point value cards while the deck is
fresh or mostly unknown.
Directors are another difficult choice. Offensively you want a director to enhance your team. Whereas a director CAN score up to 9 additional points, you are almost guaranteed it scoring 3 points with a minimal team. Defensively, selection prevents those points being scored against you. Again, the first three picks will reveal almost everything you need to know as more valuable cards will have been chosen and you will know exactly where more than 50 percent of the available cards are. More importantly, by tracking the availability of the cards, especially in the third round, you know exactly its scoring potential to both you and others.
Initial defensive picks, chosen because they reveal very little about what team you will attempt to collect, are Directors, Thespis, and to a lesser degree, Jack, or Jill. These allow flexibility, but sacrifice selection of early high value team member cards. The early selection of high-value team members are far more important in 5 player games where you only will receive two of the ten cards in the hand.
An experienced player will learn to adapt quickly to what they see are being selected and change collection strategies within the first few reveals. The challenge comes with the Thespis card allowing a double selection from a single hand. Clearly, in a five-player game, a Thespis becomes far more valuable due to its double-picking, and wild-card capability.
While the above mentioned knowledge points are just a very few of the numerous and extremely complex decisions that must be made in a highly competitive gaming session, fun and non-cut-throat game play is pleasantly relaxing with beginners or those individuals just getting the feel for the game. Whichever way you wish to play it, just remember: Break-A-Leg.
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General Strategy for Card Drafting Games
by Aaron Tidwell - August 13, 2016
If you are new to the genre, or are sitting down to play a new game for the first time, there are a number of high level strategies that can be applied to drafting games. You might be familiar with variations or game-specific versions of these concepts, and some games change the way these mechanics operate or can be evaluated.Break a Leg. The Theatrical Card Drafting Game.
Break a Leg is the new fast-paced card drafting game from Tidwell Productions. Take on the role of a theatrical producer and hire the best cast, creative, and crew, and foil the plans of your opposing producers! Buy Now on the Tidwell Productions Shop!